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Jess Kesson's Website from Year 1 HND: Creative Media (Games, Animation and VFX)

The final project of the year was the UX/UI Project, which entailed learning how to create user-friendly webpages through an iterative process. Using the concept I came up with for Game Project, I created a live website of my Game Design Document. We used Wix, the same web-design site that was used to create this website.

This website was aimed at prospective game publishers, and companies who may be interested in the idea of the game. Whilst this was just the scenario that the brief gave us, and we weren’t expecting real clients, we did have to design it to those specifications.

This meant having an intuitive menu and button systems that is easy to use. A potential client wouldn’t stick around to view a poorly made or confusing website, so this was a big part of the project.

Here is a tour of the computer version of the website. There is also a tour of the mobile version of the website. It was important that this was included, since many people view websites on their phones, with this in mind, I had to be aware of how the pages structures would differ depending on the device used to view them.

Here is a link to view the website I created, which is still live and can be viewed and explored.

Posted by Jess Kesson


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